I use Sublime Text to edit my Snippets. One of the nice features is that you can triple-click a line, and it will select the whole lie. By holding down Command (super) you can select multiple, non-contiguous lines, and then copy and paste them somewhere else. Unfortunately, the triple-click also selects the newline, and so when you paste, you get lots of additional blank lines. This “package” will remove blank lines from the clipboard, so I can paste without the additional blanks.
The Package
Calling it a package is a bit of a stretch. It’s a single file, and it’s not even a plugin. It’s just some Python that uses the API to manipulate the clipboard.
I’m sure I could have written this in a more elegant way, but this works…
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import logging
# This will cut lines and remove empty blank lines.
# I use this so I can triple-click non-contiguous lines (e.g in Snippets)
# and then paste them without blank lines between them - normally the
# triple-click also copies the implied newline at the end of the line.
class CutWithoutNewlineCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, _: sublime.Edit) -> None:
new = ""
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=' %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logging.debug('Running CutWithoutNewlineCommand')
if self.view.has_non_empty_selection_region():
# Note: This will fail if the clipboard size exceeds max_size (16777216)
# see: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/api_reference.html
for line in sublime.get_clipboard().split("\n"):
logging.debug("Line: %s" % line)
line = line.rstrip()
if line == "":
#logging.debug("Skipping blank line: %s" % line)
#logging.debug("Addind: %s ---" % line)
new +=line+"\n"
#logging.debug('Updated clipboard.')
Put the in
Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/cut_without_newline.py
Add the following to your
Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
. Hint:Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Key Bindings
{ "keys": ["super+alt+x"], "command": "cut_without_newline" },
- To use, select some text, and then press
to cut the text without the newline.- For debugging,
View -> Show Console
will show the logging output. Uncomment thelogging.debug
lines to see more detail.
- For debugging,